Friday, July 22, 2011

Summer Camp Fun!

Sierra and Alex have been enjoying a fun week at Twin Lakes 4H camp! While it rained and was gloomy and cold here, a mere hour away in the woods the kids enjoyed: swimming in a warm lake, canoeing, campfires, vespers, archery, camp songs and only 1 day of rain! How lucky!! I was glad to have my Pal Al back last evening and Sierra will return home today. She had such a good time, wants to train to be a Counselor In Training (CIT) for next year and even volunteered to stay the extra night to help with camp clean-up today. Love that girl!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Patriotism Begins Young

I asked both Alex and Julia say their own bedtime prayers this evening and I could not be more proud of my children. Not only did they thank our Lord for their day and specific blessings, but my sweet children prayed that our Lord would protect our Soldiers defending our freedoms tonight.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Get ready, get set.... RAIN

All our hard work on our deck and horse trailer is on hold for final touch ups and then enjoyment as it as seen fit to rain for 3 days straight in the middle of July. I think the kids and I are going nuts without the ability to run, play, and enjoy "our park" of a home. More vitamin D please!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Hard Working Hubby

My hunny has been hard at work on our Pool Party Deck! Here are some before and after shots! Of course we got an algae bloom once the sun light hit the water, but add a little algae-cide and it will clear up shortly.


We got our first eggs from our chickens (AKA Cluckers) yesterday! We are all so jazzed! Then Princess Chica, Julia's clucker, gave us another one this morning =D Woohoo!!

(This one is Princess Chica's!)

Friday, July 8, 2011

Home Grown Goodies!

It was a very cold Spring and against what other gardeners in my area were doing, I went ahead and started my garden by seeds in late March. I am most happy with my first year with our own horse compost and raised beds! =)

Horse College

So our lovely little Arab filly Bella is off to the Trainers to get broke to ride. We got to watch Bill as he exercised her today. It was totally fun and educational. I love to watch horses in motion, but truly enjoyed watching this cutie Horse we love so much get schooled by a gentle but take no crap experienced horsemen!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Love the PNW in July!

We have had days of fabulous sunshine and warm weather. I can not say there is anything better than watching my children beings kids exploring their world and getting along! Yahoo =)

We have been diligently working on the horse Trailer we bought with Sierra. It's functional but a bit of a rusty thing. however, things don't warm up enough here until July to be able to use the rust-o-leum paint.. unless you have a nice heated RV garage bay.. which I do not. Both Sie and Alex have used the sander to get rust off and we've primed it. Now it just needs a bath and then paint the exterior. Then the big job begins. The inside will be a bit more difficult because of the little latches and tight corners.

(After exterior primer)

 Interior not sanded or primed yet.. labor of love?? Questionable.

We went to our property at Long Beach, Washington to enjoy the 4th of July Fireworks! What a great time! Sunny blue skies, with some wind. We have a lovely view, from our hilltop motorhome perch, of the ocean and right outside our door is the best sandbox ever!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


It was crazy day of running errands! It was 1:20 and Jules and I had not eaten lunch yet. To say we were hungry is a major understatement. I splurge and get Terriyaki Chicken! But I get it to-go. By the time we get home with our lunch we are beyond starving. We finally get our yummy food plated up and were happily diggin in when Jules says "This is some damned good terriyaki!" YIKES! Once again, Julia you can not talk like that!

Great Neighbors!

When we moved to Silverdale we didn't anticipate having the bets neighbors ever, again! The Bryson family is very hard to compete with - they are 1 in a million and are more like family than just friends! However, as best neighbors go, The Youngblood's are more like the best adopted Grand Parents ever!! Mr. Youngblood is our next door home depot and cool 'toy' store. He has EVERYTHING. His dog Sofie 'spoils' him every Father's day with some great new and fabulous work tool =) Beyond that, they spoil my kids and dogs like crazy! Al always has purple popsicles on hand for Jules and dog treats in his pockets for the girls. Al is often seen with my Al following him around talking non-stop helping with wood stacking chores etc, but Al is happy to have him there. And Sierra, well she has free access wo his amazing barn! Annnd all of his above average tack! Sierra is competing in the Kitsap Fair and Rodeo this year and has decided last minute she'd like to do some gaming annnd English.. we have no western tack whatsoever.. Mr. Youngblood has graciously allowed Sierra to use whatever she'd like. More over, they're coming to see her compete. See what I mean? Best Neighbors EverII !!

Friday, June 10, 2011


Did you know that in the Month of June that sun is shinning brightly here is Washington at 0500? Well I didn't either. And quite frankly, really and truly I could have gone my entire life blissfully unaware of that fact.. But as it happens I DO know that the sun shines brightly at 0500 in Washington.. as my darn Arabian Filly broke THROUGH my fencing and was grazing in my front yard.. Not a good way to start an oh so "happy day," chasing down a horse who thinks it's fun to run around at 5:00 in the morning with her Mama owner close behind yelling 'endearing names' at her and then mending fences..

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Soaking up the sun and cleaning up too!

Whew! This was a hot weekend in the PNW. I spent it pressure washing all our decks, trust me there is alot of wood around here. My muscles were very sore, but the kids played great, got all their chores done and Sierra and Julia made me a picnic lunch! It was so thoughtful =)

Fueled up and back to work for me! The girls played, lucky. Then, Sunday I painted the back deck, side deck, and all railings with the help of Alex and Jules.. mostly Alex =) I just love what a fresh coat of paint does to brighten things up!

Tried to mow the lawn, but Mark didn't have time to put on the new deck belt for the riding lawnmower before his work trip to Portland... So I used good 'ol fashioned horse power! LOL!

My lawnmowers' taking a break lol! (Sie's phone picture)

Overall, put in two great days of work and it certainly shows, and I have a nice tan started and my lawn will eventually get mowed as well. <3

Friday, June 3, 2011

Rebecca of.. Silverdale Farms?

Mark and I found an amazing deal 2 years ago. A fabulous 4000sqft home on 2.5 acres, with a pool complete with party deck, and a 1700sqft Guest house on the backside of the property with it's own entrance. Sweet! With-in the 1st week that ugly pink and blue 90's bathroom was remodeled, the main back deck and pool-parti deck merged and now usable and assessable to the lower yard/fields.

Next I tackled a massive blackberry patch (what I thought was going to be my future paddock.) By January we were cutting down some trees and diggin post-holes. I dug some 24 post holes by myself...hard pan very close the the surface mind you. Only later to be informed by my truly wonderful neighbor Al that there is this amazing thing I can rent called and auger... ugh! It was worth-it ..our 1st Pony Lacey was on my soon-to-be mini farm by Valentines day 2010!

I am all about composting, so this meant lots of pooper scooping a paddock maintenance... and of course putting together a make-shift composter.

Buy the following July we had another horse, DW Memory of a Kiss (AKA Bella) a purebred Egyptian Arabian filly. Super sweet, but a filly =) Lots of work and more poop to scoop!

Time for some fresh farm eggs! You betcha! By the next February I have 4 baby chicks and a new puppy Jazzy for Alex! Yep.. even more scooping! (no doggie stuffs in the composting though.) But they've been lots of fun. However, they do grow very quickly and get smelly just as fast. Getting them feathered up and outside was high on my to-do list! My coop isn't the nicest thing out there, but it's certainly outside!
House Pictures Before

House Pictures After ;)
Lacey <3

Chickens too!

A random day with Jules

Making Julia some "macaroni macaroni mac n cheese" as she calls it. When I hear Jules gasp (never a good sign!) and say "Uh oh...Mommy...UH OH!!!!" I rush upstairs where she frantically starts gushing about toilet paper, the toilets and lots of water... yep you guessed it! She un-rolled a whole roll of toilet paper into her toilet. oye! Just another day with Jules..

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Out the mouth of MY babes...

7/8/11 Julia again... so we are getting dressed to start our day. Jules decides she'd like pig tails in her hair. I oblige and she looks adorable! She checks herself out in my big mirror and then goes into the classic flirty-girly shoulders up, head cocked to one side, arms down with hands clasped together in front of her waist, gently moving from side to side and gushes "Oh Mommy I'm in LOOVE." I, inwardly rolling my eyes but playing along, say "with who?" she replies with that sugary sweet breathy voice "Keith." We don't know a Keith so I am not tracking this.. nope no fairy tale Princes named Keith that I know of either.. WHO is Keith? I ask. "Oh Mommy you know - from the Power Rangers.. I just looove him." Blech! Geez-a-loo!!

6/10/2011 I can't believe it's been a few days and I haven't posted any hilarious Julia-isms.. well here is a good one! Alex was having a frustrating day we were chatting about it, when Jules decides  to join us. She randomly interjects "paddock is an Attic" Alex and I look over at her perplexed... I inform her "paddock RHYMES with attic"she lowers her head and looks like she is pinching the bridge of her nose.. I ask her what she's doing she says with frustration dripping out of her voice "this is what boys do." and piches the bridge of her nose and shakes her head again - total guy sign of annoyance for sure! Apparently paddock is an attic in her universe - what do I know!

6/5/11 To the kids to dinner tonight to our local favorite pizza place. The kids are being super good especially with Dad out of town on business. We get to laughing about something when all of the sudden Jules toots and loudly. I look at her and we crack up laughing! Sie can't figure it out so asks what we're laughing about. Julia looks Sie in the eye and says "we're laughing cuz you drooled on your face!" Holy socks!!! She just flat out lied off the cuff.. never a good thing, but hilarious! Then Julia looks at me and says "farts are secret!" I about fell out of my chair!

4/2011 Another Julia favorite: we have lunch weekly with my Mom and Auntie Darla. Julia asks my Aunt how old she is to which my very saucy Aunt replies "Older than dirt." So a few days later.. Jules and I are at a horse show when Julia chats up some nice older lady then asks her how old she is. The nice older lady says "I'm very old" to which Julia knowingly nods and says "Oh, you're older than dirt!" Yikes!! Outta the mouths of my babes..

4/2011 Mark and I take Jules to Home Depot with us for materials for my new raised garden beds! Julia strikes up a conversation with a nice older gentleman buying materials for "the most expensive Chicken Coop he's ever built." Anyway, she chattily tells this man all about how she goes on playdates with her friends Olivia and Leah. Then she pauses and asks him quite seriously "Do you go on Man playdates?" (Oh my!) This nice man never misses a beat and replies "Yes, but I call them fishing trips!" HILARIOUS!!!

2000-2001 Sierra is 13 and my oldest child. She was one of those babies that came home sleeping 6 hours straight thru the night, never fussed, was super easy going, never wandered or made trouble. The kind of sweet child every mother dreams about! When she was about 3 Dad was installing a new surround sound system or fixing it and getting frustrated pops off with a less than desirable 4 letter word.. Sierra looks at him primly and says "you know if you say that today... I'm just gonna repeat it tomorrow." Out of the mouths of babes =)

8/2010 Alex is 7 and "My Pal Al". He is truly a carbon copy of his Daddy. They have the same look and outgoing winning personality. Mini-politicians =) He is super charming, courteous, smart and easy going. Alex has tons of boy energy, but never is mean. We are on a trip to Yellowstone National Park.. I accidentally leave my cell phone in the ladies restroom.. I immediately notice it's missing and go running back to retrieve but its gone. I quickly go to the lodge reception and report it missing.. long story short, a wonderful cleaning lady found it and turned it in. After retrieving it and leaving a finders fee Alex informs me he needs to use the restroom.. He enters the mens room by himself.. a few seconds later an older gentleman enters the mens room as well. Pretty soon you hear my son say "Hi.. " and so he starts this truly like 5 minute conversation with this guy in the restroom. People walk in and out of the restroom while I sit there waiting, very red faced, for my chatty, eternally friendly son to finish his business and restroom conversation.

11/2010 Julia Ann (Jules) is never going to be a child I describe as 'mellow and easy going.' She is going to be an amazing woman if she makes it to adulthood! Safety inventions for kids were created for children like my Julia Ann. She is hilarious and wicked smart, but devious and scary curious.. It's not enough that we say "No, that is soo dangerous" she has to find out. Not to mention, she says the funniest things... however, not always appropriate.. We are traveling to Texas for Thanksgiving. We were pushing hard in the RV to get there. That meant meals while driving. Its been a long day of travel. We are all hungry and tired, making for a very cranky crew. I have a pizza cooking (while we're driving.. filling the cab with delicious aroma) that will be ready when we stop for the night. We pull into to our one-night home, tensions are thick as Mark takes the pizza out of the oven. It smells soo good and none of us are talking, but the whole crew is soo ready to pounce on this pizza baby. Pizza number 2 is in the oven as well, making our tummys really grumble. Mark flips open the pop up counter extension to use to cut the pizza, while Sierra and I get the table set for dinner. Mark pushes the pizza cutter into the pizza and the counter un-latches, dropping our dinner onto the dirty, traveled all day, with a long haired golden retriever, RV carpet CHEESE SIDE DOWN!! NOOOO!!! We all stare dumbfounded and quite frankly FURIOUS!! No one says a word.. the tension is crazy thick.. we just stare at our ruined dinner... then Julia stands up with hands fisted at her sides and yells "F**K!" OMG!!!! Out of the mouths of my babes..

2010 Then one time the kids are all playing and its a crazy barely in control play. Tickling laughing.. everything they say is somehow hilarious to each other.. kind of play. At one point it is Sierra and Jules yelling goofy slanderous barbs to Alex and vice versa.. Sierra whispers in Julia's ear to yell at Alex "Die Alien Scum!" to which Julia repeats as a very serious "DIE GOALIE AND GUM!" They all fall out flat dieing of laughter..

Dinner of the month!

Julia and I have the pleasure of visiting my Mom and Aunt Darla weekly on Wednesdays for lunch. Both are amazing cooks, but my Aunt really has a passion for food.Lucky us! One week we chat about a Pasta Carbonara recipe she's recently come across.. Panchetta, onion, garlic, Parmesan, and egg yolk and pasta.. easy! Sounds delicious, but raw egg yolk.. hmm.. not sure if this will fly with my crew.. A few weeks later i am in a pinch with multiple kid activities in the same night and need dinner in a hurry. Naturally I need to go grocery shopping and have limited choices. But I do have a pound of bacon defrosted.. I think not panchetta, but a good substitute. We always have eggs! We bought 4 chicks in February to have fresh eggs! More on that later.. Anyway. I get to cooking. My house soon smells like heaven and my family is raving about the delicious dinner. My husband and son get home an hour later and truly enjoy the cold leftovers! 2 thumbs up here!

1lb bacon (or panchetta)
1 med onion
4 cloves or garlic
4 egg yolks
1/2 c freshly grated Parmesan cheese
1 lb pasta (I like the rotini - it's corkscrew shapes captures all the yummy bits!)

Fill a pasta pot full of water, add handful of salt to water, and set to boil. Once water boils add your pasta and cook 10-12 minutes.

While pasta water boils, cook the 'sauce'. Place a large skillet over medium heat add about 2 tbls spoons of olive oil. mince your onion and add to pan. Cook for a few minutes then add your garlic. As it cooks, cut your bacon into little squares and then add to the pan to crisp up. While your bacon cooks grate your cheese and separate your egg yolks for the whites. Remembering to stir your bacon onion and garlic every so often.

Once your pasta is cooked, drain and immediately, add to a serving dish and pour your yolks over it and begin to toss to coat. Add your cooked bacon mix and fresh cheese and enjoy!

Crazy Julia..

We have 2 horses, 4 chickens, 2 dogs, 3 kids and acreage. But more over we have a Julia Ann =) Jules is now 4 and an absolute delight, but spirited child! She makes for some of my best stories. Like this morning... I go pee in my own master bath, which just so happens to be on the main level of our 3 story home (NEVER doing that again; it's never private!). Anyway, I am out of toilet paper (of course!) so I call my sweet and precocious Jules to my aide.. she sums up my problem immediately and starts giggling and giggling and giggling.. sensing my lack of help, I am getting frustrated. Sweet Julia just laughs and says "Sucks to be you!" then runs off.. AHHH!! The little stinker!!! She finally returns with a new roll of toilet paper.. only to hold it slightly out of my reach.. giggling.. the evil child!